
Home / News / Advantages, Disadvantages, And Applications Of Stretch Bengaline Fabric

Advantages, Disadvantages, And Applications Of Stretch Bengaline Fabric

  Advantages, disadvantages, and applications of stretch bengaline fabric

  Stretch bengaline fabric is widely used in T-shirts, denim, and other clothing. So what kind of fabric is stretch bengaline fabric? Are clothes made of stretch bengaline fabric comfortable to wear?

  Stretch bengaline fabric belongs to the technical field of non-woven fabrics. It is made of hollow crimped fibers and low-melting fiber as raw materials. After a certain process, elastic cotton is made into three-dimensional distributed fibers. Stretch bengaline fabric is a very thin high-strength rubber band added during spinning. The composition of stretch bengaline fabric is usually 98% cotton and 2% stretch bengaline fabric, which are mixed woven.

  Stretch bengaline fabric t-shirts and clothes ok?

  After the use of dispersed pigments and frequent warm-color treatments, the texture of the cloth is fresh and attractive, the color matching is harmonious, and the weft elasticity is comparable to that of spandex fabrics. At the same time, it makes clothes that are lightweight, beautiful, comfortable, and breathable.

  Why stretch bengaline fabric is now so popular among people and manufacturers

  In addition to the characteristics of natural fabrics, the main reason is that it conforms to the natural pursuit of casual clothing fashion, and has good stretchability. The clothes made of stretch bengaline fabric are light and beautiful, breathable and comfortable.

  Stretch bengaline fabric is a good material for casual spring clothing.

  Advantages and disadvantages of stretch bengaline fabric

  The advantages of elastic cotton: good feel, good elasticity, easy to care, easy to take, has greater flexibility, can adapt to the needs of various parts of the body, not easy to wrinkle, not easy to produce wrinkles.

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